Optimal functioning of the ocular surface relies on the combined performance of several integrated components and is closely linked to systemic factors. An appropriate investigation of this structure requires a thorough knowledge of anatomy, function and pathology and a comprehensive approach of both patient general health and environment.
The most common patient that a general ophthalmologist will likely observe in his practice, is one with ocular surface disease. It remains, paradoxically, overwhelmingly prevalent and incredibly underdiagnosed. This site offers ophthalmologists and other physicians the access to a diverse library of content written by ophthalmologists covering the vast spectrum of diseases, diagnosis and treatments that surround the ocular surface.
The site provides clinicians with a tool to disseminate their personal experiences to a wider public as well as allows our ophthalmology community to review interesting cases encountered by colleagues. We are confident that our site will quickly assume its role as an ever-growing resource for students, residents and physicians. All qualified residents and ophthalmologists are invited to contribute with content. It is an invaluable opportunity to contribute to the continuing education of our medical community and to provide content to a platform with high visibility. The site will accept case reports on ocular surface, as well as photo and video submissions. The submission of challenging or unsuccessful cases is strongly encouraged. All entries will be reviewed by a qualified board to assure quality and relevance.
Scientific Board:
Esmeralda Costa, MD
Helena Filipe, MD, MsC
Joaquim Neto Murta, MD PhD
Jorge Palmares, MD
Maria João Quadrado, MD PhD
Paulo Torres, MD PhD
Pedro Candelária, MD